Name: Geraldine Woodley
Position: Directress (Treetops Montessori School)
Michael Blake’s visit to our school has been a truly inspirational and entertaining incursion. This joyous occasion brought the whole school community together with the most beautiful positive self-esteem, peace and loving yourself songs. The children were inspired and motivated. I highly recommend this program.
Yours sincerely
Geraldine Woodley
Name: Sasha
Position: Parent of Michael Blake Fans
Yours sincerelyMy daughters were so excited to find out they would be having a school visit from Michael Blake the Happy Day Man! My 4 year old had learnt Open the Door to a Happy Day and loved singing the song at the top of her voice – it seems to make her feel energised and positive. To see the way children interacted with Michael during his visit was such a joy. We had kids from 3 years old to 17 years old laughing and doing the actions, singing and dancing. It was beautiful. My daughters often beg me to play Michael’s music in the car and I am delighted to be able to play them quality music with a positive message and age-appropriate lyrics.
Yours sincerely