
Name: Geraldine Woodley
Position: Directress (Treetops Montessori School)

Michael Blake’s visit to our school has been a truly inspirational and entertaining incursion. This joyous occasion brought the whole school community together with the most beautiful positive self-esteem, peace and loving yourself songs. The children were inspired and motivated. I highly recommend this program.

Yours sincerely
Geraldine Woodley

Name: Sasha
Position: Parent of Michael Blake Fans

Yours sincerelyMy daughters were so excited to find out they would be having a school visit from Michael Blake the Happy Day Man! My 4 year old had learnt Open the Door to a Happy Day and loved singing the song at the top of her voice – it seems to make her feel energised and positive. To see the way children interacted with Michael during his visit was such a joy. We had kids from 3 years old to 17 years old laughing and doing the actions, singing and dancing. It was beautiful. My daughters often beg me to play Michael’s music in the car and I am delighted to be able to play them quality music with a positive message and age-appropriate lyrics.

Yours sincerely

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  • Happy Day Music Is...

    Happy Day Music is: Renowned children's songwriter and performer Michael Blake. His songs send messages to children about self-esteem, positive values, peace and harmony, healthy living and conservation.

    Based in Perth, Michael offers his school program to schools right across Australia including Outback school tours.

    Michael introduces children to positive thinking through a fun program of wonderful original songs with a great message.

  • Program Costs